Community Impact Funds

Our Community is Your Legacy

Ensure Ongoing Community Impact

Community foundations – like Foundation For The Carolinas – were created by and for the people of a community, to ensure ongoing support for local needs.

As time passes, our region’s most compelling issues will evolve. By leaving an unrestricted gift to an FFTC Community Impact Fund, you can entrust FFTC to address unexpected, evolving community needs and opportunities, ensuring permanent, strategic support for the causes you most value, even as needs and organizations change.

Improving the Future, Together

What is Discretionary Grantmaking?

Donor advised, scholarship, designated and agency fund assets held at FFTC are often advised by individuals or organizations. Discretionary assets, on the other hand, are unrestricted gifts that give foundations the flexibility to distribute grants based on current needs and strategic opportunities. These assets play a critical role in shaping the identity of community foundations.

Discretionary assets, typically bequeathed to FFTC by donors through estate plans, enable FFTC and its regional affiliate foundations to address changing needs across our community. By partnering with community volunteers, our experienced staff can assess needs and respond strategically (by awarding grants, conducting research and convening initiatives to advance our region's most critical work) or nimbly (in the case of disasters and emergencies). The majority of FFTC's discretionary grantmaking currently takes place among the regional affiliate foundations.

FFTC Community Impact Funds consist of discretionary assets which provide permanent, strategic support for vital causes in our region. By entrusting a portion of your charitable legacy plan to an endowed fund that aligns with your values, you can levarage FFTC's discretionary grantmaking expertise and knowledge of local issues to make impactful investments in our community's future. You can designate your unrestricted gift within a particular interest area or regional community within FFTC's service area.

FFTC's History of Impact

Since 1958, FFTC has served as a civic leader, catalyzing positive change in our region. Working alongside community partners, we transform targeted investments into philanthropic impact. Our grantmaking team and volunteer leaders study our most critical issues and identify key opportunities, engaging experts and diverse community members. Then, we make strategic investments – using unrestricted, discretionary gifts entrusted to FFTC by forward-thinking donors – that ignite change.

Unrestricted funds allow FFTC to be nimble and strategic. Grants may provide time sensitive emergency funding for urgent issues, or can offer seed funding to innovative opportunities and transformational, collaborative initiatives. Below are examples of how your community foundation has responded to our region’s needs through various funds and partnerships



The Power of Endowments

An endowed fund is built to last. By distributing grants from a carefully planned percentage, the fund will last in perpetuity, permanently supporting the community.

The Lucille Puette Giles Endowment Fund is a shining example of how one gift can go a long way, improving thousands of lives years after it was established. Created by a $35 million bequest in 1996, it has resulted in $56 million in grants helping children and youth, the environment, social capital and economic opportunity.

Areas of Impact

FFTC Community Impact Funds provide permanent, strategic support for vital causes in our region. Entrust a portion of your charitable legacy plan to an endowed fund that aligns with your values, and leverage FFTC’s discretionary grantmaking expertise and knowledge of local issues to make impactful investments in our community’s future. 

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retired couple

Health and Human Services
Enable community members to lead safe, equitable and healthy lives

girl reading book

Education and Youth Development
Ensure opportunities for children and adults to achieve their full potential.

ballet dancer on pointe

Arts and Culture
Sustain a thriving arts community and preserve our region's diverse culture.


Environmental Sustainability
Protect natural resources and address environmental issues in our region and beyond.


Animal Welfare
Support the well-being of our companion animals.

Charlotte skyline

Evolving Needs and Opportunities
Spearhead civic leadership efforts in our region, respond to disasters and other unexpected needs, and leverage opportunities in our community.

FFTC logo

Ensure your community foundation's future sustainability and ability to serve our region by providing unrestricted support.


Past, Present and Future

At 89, William Williamson wants to continue to help shape Charlotte for decades to come.


Schoolteacher Makes Lasting Impact

Nell Rose Bates serves as a shining example of an unlikely philanthropist who created a unique and powerful legacy.


Entrepreneur Supports Animals

Charlotte businesswoman Katie Tyler works tirelessly to improve the lives of animals. That’s why she entrusted her community foundation with a planned gift.


The Power of Endowment

Lucille Giles is an example of how one gift can go a long way, improving thousands of lives years after it was established.

The Lucille Puette Giles Endowment Fund, which was created by a $35 million bequest in 1996, has resulted in $56 million in grants helping children and youth, the environment, social capital and economic opportunity.


sara piner

Sara Piner, CAP®

Senior Vice President, Philanthropic Advancement & Centers for Giving

Email Sara
