Corporate Giving
Center for Corporate Philanthropy
Philanthropy makes great business sense. The Center for Corporate Philanthropy works in partnership with businesses of all sizes to develop philanthropic strategies and manage funds that address broad financial and charitable goals.
Foundation For The Carolinas offers a wide range of efficient, turn-key solutions to help companies centralize giving. Our team eases the burden of administration, allowing you to remain focused on business priorities.
Maximize Your Charitable Impact

FFTC Donor Advised Funds offer your company a flexible, efficient way to manage giving with superior tax advantages. We also offer Executive Donor Advised Funds and Employee Engagement Donor Advised Funds to demonstrate your company’s commitment to giving back.

FFTC Scholarship Funds support students by providing grants for educational purposes and give you the ability to specify an academic discipline, institution or eligibility criteria.

FFTC Community Impact Funds provide permanent, strategic support for vital causes in our community. Entrust a gift to an endowed fund that aligns with your company's values, and leverage FFTC's discretionary grantmaking expertise and knowledge of local issues to make impactful investments in our community's future.
As the hub for charitable engagement in the region, FFTC provides opportunities for companies to develop and enhance the skills, knowledge, and resources to effectively implement and manage corporate social responsibility initiatives. Learn and share information among local corporate community affairs, social responsibility and corporate grantmaking professionals, to better serve the communities where we live, work and do business.
If you are interested in supporting FFTC to continue meaningful and robust CSR programming please visit our capacity building donation page to contribute.
Foundation For The Carolinas offers several ways to support community impact work. If your company would like to support initiatives within a specific region or impact area, contributions can be made to the existing endowments overseen by local leaders and staff.
E4E Relief
E4E Relief Funds enable businesses to provide assistance to employees who are experiencing financial hardship resulting from unexpected life events.

Deviré Robinson, J.D.
Senior Vice President, Philanthropic Advancement and Centers for Giving